Goodbye MIPIM, Hello London

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My MIPIM 2011 is over, and I am back in the office. So, how was it?

As ever, there was the mix of seminars, networking, events and meeting people – some new, some from the past. Visitor numbers were up 6%, and there was an array of stands from lots of cities with buildings planned dotted all over them. The UK was the country of honour this year, although from what I saw this seemed to be read as the Republic of London not the UK.

There seemed to be a realism around, that the market/lending environment has stabilised and it will stay at the current level for sometime – I tend to agree with this. Lenders were talking about lending on cashflow, so not the speculative lending of the past, but back to focusing on where the money will be coming from to pay the loans/bills. Not rocket science.

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